And Moses went up the mountain and stayed there for 40 days and 40 nights
And the people cried upon him “Why is tho taking so long?”
And Moses explained that the 10 commandments have already been written. But now he and God were working on the BPM commandments.
“Never hurry on the design of the business rules” explained Moses.

And Moses explained that the 10 commandments have already been written. But now he and God were working on the BPM commandments.
“Never hurry on the design of the business rules” explained Moses.
And the people groaned, for they knew that design phases can go on forever…
And when Moses returned he was shocked to see the people dancing and worshipping the document management systems.
When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear.
They stayed at a distance and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen.”
They stayed at a distance and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen.”
And Moses called upon God and said: Forgive my people, for they do not know any better, and have never been enlightened to the glory of BPM.
And God forgave his people for worshipping the document management systems and told Moses to cut the BPM commandments into two tablets of stone.
And God forgave his people for worshipping the document management systems and told Moses to cut the BPM commandments into two tablets of stone.
And the people listened to Moses as he showed them the tablets, as people always like things that are documented correctly.
1. You shall have no other workflow software solutions but BPM. There has not ever been, or will ever be a solution as cool as a BPM solution!
2. You shall not make for yourself any workflow design idol, nor bow down to it or worship it, as workflows will always change, and the design must follow the changes.
3. You shall not misuse the name of the workflow.
No “process”, “procedure” or “policy” can be used instead of the word “workflow”. You will need to learn the difference between them.
No “process”, “procedure” or “policy” can be used instead of the word “workflow”. You will need to learn the difference between them.
4. You shall remember and keep the Audit Trail holy. Ensure that every action appears in it. That includes user actions and system actions.
5. Respect internal company politics. As these can stop any BPM project in its tracks. If you need to shmooze- then shmooze. If you need to put your foot down – always ensure that you have the active backing of a strong stakeholder.
6. You shall not kill workflow instances. You must allow built-in solutions for human errors. Instead of rolling back a workflow instance, allow users or administrators to terminate instances as part of the process. Plan for errors!
7. You shall not process adultery. Stop screwing around with other processes. Don’t try to mesh two workflows into one to fit each other’s scenario – it will never work. If you have duplicate functionality – create a subflow to be used by both workflows.
8. You shall not steal time. That includes design and implementation. Don’t try to save time or create shortcuts. Do it once – Do it properly!
9. You shall not lie. Every project has problems. Your software does not walk on water, nor smell of roses. Be blatantly truthfull on raising every problem and worry that you might have. Projects are always late and always overbudget. The future of your company does not rest on your shoulders. Raise the problems and let the project manager deal with the solving the problem. That’s why project managers die young.
10. You must not be envious of your neighbour’s software solutions. Yes, ERP, CRM, ECM have lovely features, but their gods have grey hairs from their own problems. I promise you that they are quietly envious of BPM. The grass always looks greener on the other side.
And a voice came out from the clouds and said “I am the Lord your God, am a jealous God, and will punish all that use other software solutions, but will show love to a thousand generations to those who love BPM and keep my commandments.
And the people saw all that he had made, and it was very good…
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